Common questions
about leading a DivorceCare group
for volunteers
Can I lead a group if I’m not the “teacher type”?

Definitely. DivorceCare is designed for church members to facilitate. You’re not expected to be a teacher or counselor or have all the answers. The experts in the videos will do the teaching. As a leader, your role is simply to facilitate the group.

What is the time commitment to be a DivorceCare leader?

All the materials are provided for you, so you don’t have to write a weekly agenda or prepare what to say. Typically, you can plan on about 2 hours per week to facilitate the sessions, plus 1 additional hour for general administrative tasks.

Could I offer a group online?

Yes. Each DivorceCare kit comes with access to online materials so you can offer a group either online or in person. Some churches offer a hybrid group—one that meets online and at a physical location.

Money is tight these days. How can my church fund this?

Participants now have the ability to order their own books to be shipped directly to them. Churches won’t have to front the cost of workbooks! Some churches also charge a registration fee, which could reimburse the DivorceCare kit cost over time. Or ask someone in your church with a heart for this type of ministry to gift the kit.

Will I have to prepare lessons?

Not at all! The lessons are prepared for you. Your DivorceCare kit comes with weekly videos and a leader’s guide with session agendas and discussion questions for you to choose from.

Is there DivorceCare leader training available?

We provide you with short, online leader training videos and a leader’s guide with straightforward instructions on starting and leading a group.

I’m divorced. Would that disqualify me from leadership in the church?

On the contrary, your experiences and heart for those going through divorce or separation uniquely qualify you for this role. God has perfectly equipped you to comfort others and help them heal.

I’ve never been divorced. Can I be an effective DivorceCare leader?

Yes! While experience with divorce helps leaders empathize and relate to members, it is not required for leadership. And keep in mind that experience with divorce does not have to mean you’ve been divorced yourself. You may be familiar with it through family members or friends.

What does DivorceCare teach about divorce?

As a program, DivorceCare presents balanced, biblical teaching on marriage, divorce, forgiveness, conflict resolution, and reconciliation. Read more.

What does it cost to start a group?

Your church will need to purchase a DivorceCare ministry kit, which has everything you need to start. Kits come in three sizes (based on participant numbers) and start at $340. Most groups charge a $20–25 fee to cover costs (offering scholarships as needed).

How do I start a DivorceCare ministry at my church?

Contact a ministry coach to get started or download this guide to learn how to present the idea to your pastor.

What if I have questions along the way?

DivorceCare coaches are available to help you at every step of your leadership journey. It’s always free to talk with them! Contact a coach or schedule an appointment today.

What if I’m still not sure that I’m ready?

Not sure if you’re ready to lead DivorceCare? This short guide will help you choose what steps to take.

Can I lead alone?

We recommend that you have a team of 2–3 volunteers to start. That way you can share the responsibilities and your participants will experience consistent and ongoing ministry.

Have more questions?

A DivorceCare coach would love to hear from you.


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Get your step-by-step guide on how to present DivorceCare to your pastor.


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