Healing is possible

You're not alone
on the path to healing

DivorceCare is here to help. These suggestions will move you forward on your journey of recovery.

Join a DivorceCare group

Don't try to go through separation or divorce alone. Connect with a DivorceCare group either in person or online. You'll find caring people who understand the issues you face and practical counsel for decision-making and managing stress.

Find a group

Access MyDivorceCare

Once you register on our website for a DivorceCare group, you'll have access to free and exclusive bonus content on the MyDivorceCare pageā€”all designed to help you manage life in the aftermath of a breakup and find healing from the pain.


Receive daily encouragement

Sign up for One Day at a Time free daily emails. You'll wake up to an uplifting message each day for a year that will guide you through the healing process.

Daily emails

Read the Foundation for Healing

Your progress can be slowed or stopped if you don't build on the right foundation. The Foundation for Healing section has essential information to help you find the right footing.

Foundation for healing

Find strength with this book

These short daily readings offer tips and strength for 365 days.


Connect with DivorceCare on
Social media

Find helpful posts and inspiration when you "Like" our Facebook page and "Follow" us on Twitter.

Divorcecare helps you heal

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How to start a group

Receive Daily Encouragement
A ministry of Church Initiative. © 2025 The Church Initiative Inc. All rights reserved.