Join and get access to tools and resources to help you lead a group ministry.
Join LeaderZoneNote: Access to the LeaderZone is limited to people who are part of the leadership team of a DivorceCare group and to staff of the church that sponsors the group.
If you don’t meet those criteria and are interested in starting a DivorceCare group, find out how to launch a group here. Once you’ve ordered DivorceCare materials, you’ll be eligible to join this exciting online community!
Leadership Store
DivorceCare Materials
Resources to help you start and sustain a healthy DivorceCare group: DivorceCare Kits, Workbooks, Leader’s Guides, and more.
Surviving the Holidays Materials
DivorceCare: Surviving the Holidays is designed to help you share the hope of the gospel with separated and divorced people in your community.
Daily Emails in Book Form
The DivorceCare devotional book, DivorceCare: Hope, Help, and Healing During and After Your Divorce, is now available.
Leading DivorceCare: You’re never alone
DivorceCare leaders and church staff have access to a wide array of support to ensure the success of your DivorceCare group.
You will be able to explore the wealth of information and resources in the LeaderZone. (Note: You can only access the LeaderZone after your church has purchased a DivorceCare kit.) LeaderZone resources include:
- Leadership library: Valuable articles on starting and leading a healthy group ministry, handling challenges, promoting the ministry, and more.
- Free online advertising for your group: Churches offering DivorceCare to their communities get a free listing in our online “Find a Group” search engine and can list specifics about their weekly group. This is a powerful promotional tool. See it in action.
- Promotional tools: Logos & sample ads, create a banner, promo videos, and logo apparel.
- Leadership store: Order workbooks, posters, brochures, and replacement items for your kit.
And much more!
Free access to our DivorceCare ministry coaches
Leaders have free access to unlimited, one-on-one support from our ministry coaches via email and telephone. They’ll help you start, maintain, and grow your DivorceCare ministry. And it’s their sole focus. So don’t hesitate to contact them:
Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm ET
Select a time convenient for you.
Email [email protected]
Email Leaders’ Forum
The DivorceCare Leaders’ Forum is a daily, moderated email forum, accessible to DivorceCare leaders and church staff after a church buys a kit. DivorceCare leaders from around the world participate in a helpful and lively exchange of ideas on how to lead DivorceCare groups. By participating in the Forum, leaders find answers to their questions about running a DivorceCare group, share prayer requests, discover new ideas and events, and offer support to other leaders. Leaders can also search the Forum archives for information on specific divorce recovery topics. We encourage all DivorceCare leaders to participate in this valuable and informative Forum! Sign up for the email Leaders’ Forum in the DivorceCare LeaderZone.